"Still Life" and "From Plein Air to Studio"

We are very excited to host a 3-day workshop where you will learn the essential skills necessary to create a strong still life painting from setup and lighting to finishing strokes. You will also learn how to create a larger studio painting from your smaller plein air sketches.

This course will feature lectures and demonstrations as well as slideshow examples of the principles we will cover. All skill levels are welcome since the elements of good art apply to all artists.

The workshop will take place February 25th, 26th and 27th in West Haven, Utah in the spacious studio of artist, Geri Jensen.

Materials List

Brushes – Bristle Flats, Natual Hair, or Synthetics: 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, 1 inch
Oil Paint – Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow light, Cadmium Red Light, French Ultramarine Blue, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black.
2 or 3 plein air sketchs that you wish to paint bigger
Stretched Canvas, Canvas panels, canvas glued to board or gessoed board – (1)-9x12, (1)-11-x14, (1)-16x20 and (1)-18x24
Solvent and container
Paper Towels
Portable Easle/Pallet
Pallet Knife

Fee - $250 (The fee is nonrefundable, however if you are unable to attend you may apply the fee to future workshops.)

Please contact Geri Jensen at geri@sierrarvsales.com or call 390-0178 for more information and to register.

We look forward to painting with you.




